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I have been pet sitting a long time and it is one of my favorite jobs I have ever had! I love getting to meet new furry friends, living in a cool new environment for a few days, and decompressing with either cuddles or a walk after a stressful day. As long as I’ve been pet sitting, I have only watched dogs, cats, and fish. I also have watched folks’ houses and watered plants while they were away. I also have experience with babysitting. A long time ago, I watched the class pets guinea pigs and rabbits. I would love to get more experience watching other animals! I am a quick learner, so if you have any pets other than dogs, cats, or fish and need a pet sitter, book a free home visit to see if you would want to give me a try! I love all kinds of animals and kids and am eager to expand my skills. I would be happy to talk about more specific pricing details at our home visit!

I am willing to watch:

Most experience:

  • dogs
  • cats
  • houses
  • kids

Less experience:

  • fish
  • reptiles
  • rodents
  • amphibians
  • any other!

I will also gladly take care of your home while watching your pets! I’ll take cans to the curb, water plants, mow lawns, bring in mail, and any other tasks specific to your needs, just let me know!

A koi fish swimming in a pond