Home » Security

Safety is very important to me! If you have any concerns about leaving your pets in my care I hope to quell some of those worries.

Contact – After we have our first home meeting, I am happy to exchange contact information so I am more accessible to reach. If you are traveling somewhere that limits cell service, keep me informed so we can remain in touch as much as possible.

Health – Sometimes pets get sick or get into trouble. I am more than happy to take pets to their regular or emergency vet, should something happen. Please leave vet contact info in case something happens!

Keys/Codes – I would much rather drop off a key directly to the owners once returning, but I am happy to hide the key somewhere if you need it immediately when you return. Door codes and garages are very convenient for this part, but not everyone has those. For those who do, I will not share those with anyone. If they are easily change-able, I would even suggest changing them to something for me while I’m there to reduce any worry you may have of sharing that information.

Walks – If your dog can walk off leash, I would love to go on a walk with them and the owner once so I can be comfortable doing so without the owner present. I usually avoid walking dogs off-leash unless I know them well and are in a safer area with few to no cars. I will also not take dogs on hikes, especially if we don’t know each other that well. If this is something your dog requires, I am not the pet sitter for you.

Driving – For vet needs or to take dogs to parks, I am happy to drive them. Please let me know of any carriers or safety equipment needed to ensure safe rides for your pets. I have a smaller car, so tend to walk dogs and don’t go on very long drives.

Any more concerns? Check out my FAQ page or contact me!

cat sitting on lap and looking into camera
Black and tan dog cuddled in bed and looking at camera
curly white small dog cuddled up with pet sitter